Melanie, female

Was 26 years old when the NDE occurred

Cause of a clinical death: health problems


Melanie's NDE

At age 11, I was booked into hospital for a tonsillectomy. As a result of either negligence (a massive dose of the anaesthetic was administered by mistake) or the hospital's version - she was allergic to the anaesthetic, I had a cardiac arrest on the operating table, and I was pronounced clinically dead. My hospital records show that I was clinically dead for 4 minutes. I was in a coma for 4 days in the ICU. When I awoke I had no memory of what had happened.

For 15 years I wore an "Allergic to anaesthetic" pendant around my neck, which turned out to be untrue, because when I had my son, when I was 26, much testing was done and I was not allergic to these anaesthetics and the new hospital claimed that you can not grow out of an allergy for which the reaction is a cardiac arrest (big mystery - hey?)

One day when I was at home and under "extreme" stress, where I felt that my head was going to explode. I lay down on my bed and started to do some muscle relaxing techniques in order to calm down. I was fully awake. After a short while, I could no longer physically feel my body (any part of it, including my head). I felt like I was floating, that I was outside of my body. I had my eyes closed. Then suddenly this bright light was in front of me. It was huge, bright white light, but it did not hurt to look at. In fact it was restful to look at. It engulfed me with calmness and love and yet it did not touch me. I just looked at it for a while. This sounds a bit like your experience psc. But this is the difference.

I then "came back" (to reality), I opened my eyes and sat bolt upright and I knew without any doubt that:

1. That bright light was God;

2. That I had remembered my NDE of when I was 11 years old (to this day I KNOW that, that was what this was). I know that the two experiences were one in the same.

What impact has this had on my life - many. But I have been surrounded with extremely stressful situations (esp. in the last 5 years) since that time, and most people have said to me that they would have not been able to cope. And yet, I seem to be able to cope with anything/everything, because I feel that light is inside of me, protecting me from harm, and coping with me. I have this feeling of fearlessness. I certainly have no fear of death.

I believe that there is one God - whom is that light of love. I believe that light could be the Christian God, the Muslim God, the Hindu God, the Jewish God, the Buddhist God and I believe that does not matter. I also have a strong faith in reincarnation and rebirth (and that these two messages are written in all faiths).

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